Title Force Type Category Difficulty Equipment Muscle Groups
Barbell Straight Leg Deadlifts Pull Bodybuilding Intermediate Barbell Bar Legs, Hips, Hamstrings, Glutes
Russian Twist w DB N/A Exercise Ball Athletic Swiss Ball, Dumbbells Core, Legs, Glutes
SS: Reverse Lunges N/A Bodyweight Intermediate None required Legs, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes
Overhead Lockout Lunge W Kettle Bell Cardio Athletic None required Legs, Back, Hamstrings, Upper
Kinesis Standing Rear Shoulder N/A Cardio Intermediate None required Shoulders, Arms, Core, Legs, Posterior
Russian Twists w MB Exercise Ball Athletic Swiss Ball, Medicine Balls Core, Legs, Glutes
Fly on Swiss Ball N/A Dumbbell Intermediate None required Chest, Legs, Core, Inner, Glutes
Single Leg Deadlift N/A Dumbbell Intermediate Dumbbells, Kettlebells Legs, Hamstrings, Glutes
Reverse Crunches: Shins on Stability Ball Pull Exercise Ball Intermediate Ab Mat, Swiss Ball Core, Legs, Back, Hips, Arms, Lower
Reverse Hyper Extension Core Athletic Swiss Ball Back, Legs, Lower, Glutes
Bulgarian Split Squats: Dumbbell Push Dumbbell Intermediate Plyo / Step-up Boxes Legs, Hips, Quadriceps, Glutes
Front Squat: Basket-Grip Push Bodybuilding Intermediate Barbell Bar Pad, Barbell Bar, Squat Rack Legs, Hips, Quadriceps
Core Crusher Push-Ups Push Bodyweight Athletic None required Chest, Core, Legs, Quadriceps
Inverted Leg Press: High & Wide Push Bodybuilding Intermediate Leg Press Machine Legs, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
'Round the World N/A Dumbbell Intermediate Dumbbells Core, Legs, Obliques, Hamstrings
Kinesis Drop Downs/Squats Cardio Intermediate None required Legs, Hips, Core, Arms
Barbell Reverse Lunges: All On One Leg, Then The Other Push Bodybuilding Athletic Barbell Bar Legs, Quadriceps, Hamstrings
Step Ups With A Hop: All On One Leg, Then The Other Push Plyometrics Intermediate Plyo / Step-up Boxes Legs, Glutes, Quadriceps, Hamstrings
Single Leg Bridge on Swiss Ball N/A Bodyweight Athletic None required Legs, Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves
Single Arm KB Swings Overhead N/A Kettlebell Athletic Kettlebells Legs, Shoulders, Core, Glutes, Posterior
Bulgarian Split Squats: Body-Weight Push Bodyweight Intermediate Plyo / Step-up Boxes Legs, Hips, Quadriceps, Glutes
Kinesis Standing Lat Interval N/A Cardio Intermediate None required Back, Arms, Core, Legs, Upper
Reverse Pivot Attack N/A Agility Athletic None required Legs, Arms
Sledgehammer Tire Strikes N/A Agility Elite Sledge Hammer, Tractor Tire Arms, Back, Core, Chest, Legs
Barefoot Overhead Squat Push Prehab Athletic None required Legs, Arms