Title Force Type Category Difficulty Equipment Muscle Groups
Single Leg To Opposite Arm Straight Leg Deadlift W/ Static Row Kettle Be Agility Athletic Dumbbells, Kettlebells Legs, Back, Calves, Lats, Glutes
Offset Chest Press Core Intermediate Dumbbells, Swiss Ball Chest, Legs, Core, Glutes, Obliques
Clocks and Mini Band N/A Core Athletic Resistance Bands, Hex Dumbbells (pair) Core, Arms, Legs, Glutes
Chest Press Push Dumbbell Intermediate Therapy Exercise Ball, Dumbbells Chest, Legs, Arms, Glutes, Triceps
Single Leg Bridge Right Leg Push Exercise Ball Intermediate Ab Mat, Swiss Ball Legs, Glutes, Hamstrings
Leg press Push Bodybuilding Beginner None required Legs, Hips, Glutes
Skier Hops Diagonal Plyometrics Athletic None required Legs, Glutes
SS: Lying Hamstring Curls, Single Leg Pull Bodybuilding Elite None required Legs, Core, Hamstrings, Glutes
Slow Russian Kicks/Crab Kicks N/A Bodyweight Intermediate None required Hips, Legs, Hamstrings, Glutes
Wall Squats SB Pulsing Static Bodyweight Intermediate Swiss Ball Legs, Glutes
Supermans Core Beginner Ab Mat Back, Legs, Lower, Glutes, Hamstrings
Lunge With Weights Dumbbell Athletic None required Legs, Quadriceps, Glutes
Lateral Step N/A Bodyweight Intermediate Plyo / Step-up Boxes Legs, Glutes
single Leg X Hop Alt. Pattern N/A Plyometrics Athletic None required Legs, Glutes, Calves
45°Leg press Push Bodybuilding Beginner None required Legs, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes
Reverse Lunge Alternating N/A Bodyweight Beginner None required Legs, Quadriceps, Glutes
Resistance band squat w/audio Push Resistance Bands Beginner None required Legs, Core, Glutes
Body Weight Squats Push Bodyweight Intermediate None required Legs, Glutes
Planks w Donkey Kick N/A Core Athletic None required Core, Back, Legs, Lower, Glutes
Single Leg Pushdowns On Assisted Pull-Up Machine Push Bodybuilding Intermediate Weight Assisted Chin-Up Machine Legs, Glutes
Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift Pull Dumbbell Intermediate Dumbbells Legs, Hamstrings, Glutes
Single Leg Hamstring Curl Pull Exercise Ball Intermediate None required Legs, Hamstrings, Glutes
Rear Leg Lift Pull Bodyweight Beginner None required Legs, Back, Glutes, Lower
Bridge 4 Way Glute- Knees Together N/A Bodyweight Beginner Ab Mat Legs, Core, Glutes, Hamstrings
Good Mornings Push Bodybuilding Intermediate Barbell Bar, Barbell Bar Pad Legs, Back, Glutes, Lower