Title Force Type Category Difficulty Equipment Muscle Groups
Overhead Biceps Concentration Curl Pull Bodybuilding Beginner None required Arms, Biceps, Forearms
Barbell Deadlift Pull Bodybuilding Intermediate None required Back, Legs, Core, Obliques
Cable Rows Pull Bodybuilding Intermediate None required Back, Arms, Shoulders, Biceps, Forearms, Posterior
Straight Leg Lift Pull Core Intermediate Pull Up Bar Core
Decline Straight Leg Lift Pull Core Intermediate Decline Bench Core
Decline Bent Leg Lift Pull Core Beginner Decline Bench Core
High Row with Tubing Pull Resistance Bands Beginner Exercise Tube Back, Upper, Lats
Alternating Front Raise Pull Dumbbell Beginner None required Shoulders, Anterior
Warm Up Knee To Chest Pull Warm Up Beginner None required Hips, Flexors
Renegade Row Pull Dumbbell Athletic None required Back, Core, Lats
Barbell Skull Crusher Pull Bodybuilding Beginner Barbell Arms, Triceps
Standing Bicep Curls Using A Pilates Ball Pull Bodybuilding Beginner None required Arms, Biceps
Foam Roll It Bands Pull Warm Up Intermediate Foam Roller Legs, Hips
High Knee Squat Tuck Pull Cardio Intermediate None required Legs, Core
Rear Leg Lift Pull Bodyweight Beginner None required Legs, Back, Glutes, Lower
Biceps Curl on Cable Crossover Machine Pull Bodybuilding Beginner None required Arms, Biceps, Forearms
Standing Back Row With Resistance Bands Pull Resistance Bands Beginner None required Back, Upper
Sumo Deadlift Pull Bodybuilding Intermediate Barbell, Barbell Plates Legs, Back, Glutes, Lower
Stiff Leg Deadlift Pull Dumbbell Beginner None required Legs, Hips, Hamstrings
Bent Leg Lift Pull Core Beginner Pull Up Bar Core
Shoulder to Bicep Stretch Pull Stretching Beginner None required Shoulders, Arms, Biceps
Warmup Standing Skips Pull Warm Up Beginner None required Hips, Arms
Lateral Side Bends Pull Pilates Intermediate Mini Medicine Ball Core, Obliques
Seated Oblique Torso Twist With A Pilates Ball Pull Bodyweight Intermediate None required Core, Arms, Obliques, Forearms
Warmup Frankensteins Pull Warm Up Beginner None required Legs, Arms, Hamstrings