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SS: Spider Man Push-Ups
Allen Elliott
SS: Push-Up with Chest Fly
Allen Elliott
SS: Plank Slider Push-Ups
Allen Elliott
Core Crusher Push-Ups
Allen Elliott
SS: Dip with Upright Ha...
Allen Elliott
SS: Bear Crawls (Forwar...
Allen Elliott
SS: Reverse Lunges
Allen Elliott
SS: Power Squat
Allen Elliott
SS: Upright & Lying Ham...
Allen Elliott
SS: Toes Pushes & Allig...
Allen Elliott
SS: Lying Hamstring Cur...
Allen Elliott
SS: Side Plank Jack-Knives
Allen Elliott
SS: Pike Tucks
Allen Elliott
SS: Core Crushers
Allen Elliott
SS: AB Plank Roll-Outs
Allen Elliott
Lying leg curl chest el...
Malachi Mckoy
Seated row
Malachi Mckoy
45°Leg press
Malachi Mckoy
Wide grip pulldown
Malachi Mckoy
Bench Press
Malachi Mckoy
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Cable Rows
Braydon Barrett
Barbell Skull Crusher
Braydon Barrett
Biceps Curl on Cable Cr...
Fernando Bilotta
Squat Hops
Josh Davidson
Reverse Lunge with Fron...
Izabela Milanov
Restorative Breathing
Christian Ampania
Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch
Reese Ryan
Wrist/Forearm Lengthene...
Christian Ampania
Izabela Milanov
Hip Extensions
Josh Davidson
Bosu Ball Push-Up
Reese Ryan
Barbell Bench Press
Braydon Barrett