
Marketing8 min read

9 Low-Cost Marketing Ideas For Online Fitness Trainers

If you want to generate leads and increase brand awareness, then you need good marketing. Here you'll find 9 low-cost ideas for online fitness trainers.

Looking for more exposure? 

If you're one of the many online fitness trainers in the internet sphere, there's no such thing as too much marketing. But there is a right way to do it. 

Getting more views on your website translates to more people signing up for your training programs. More clients mean more money for you to live and grow your business.

That's why it's essential for you to take all the necessary steps to get your website some well-deserved publicity. The right ideas can give you new clients in no time. 

Here are nine you need to know. 

1. Prove Your Results 

People are drawn to fitness success stories. In an era when Americans are consistently reminded of how out of shape we are, it's nice to see a positive story of somebody shaping up for the better. 

That's why shows like Biggest Loser are so popular. There's something relatable and hopeful about seeing another person get in shape.

Harness that joy people get from seeing other people reach their fitness goals. Think about ways you can take the success stories from your existing client base and spread them through the masses.

Set goals for your clients to meet. Once they achieve them, ask your clients if they feel confident to show their transformation to a large audience. If it really is impressive, they will likely jump at the opportunity. 

Then, figure out the best way to demonstrate their transformations. One tried and true method of doing that is juxtaposing before and after pictures. Or, you could get clients to give video testimonials which you upload to your website. 

It's just one way of showing that your methods really do have an effect on people. That will be convincing enough for many people hesitant to work with online fitness trainers.

But if that doesn't work, make sure the right clients are hearing about you.    

2. Let the Media Know You're Open for Business

What kind of people do you want to train? Some online fitness trainers hone in on young people. Others choose to focus on only women, or mostly men. 

It's important that your marketing efforts are guided toward a group that will engage with your website--your kind of clients hears about your website. 

What's the best way to make sure that they're hearing about you?

Well, you can make sure that everybody hears about it. Or, as many people as possible. You want to get the word out as best you can. That's why you should consider a press release.  

A press release is an old idea. You start something new--a business or a marriage--and want people to know about it. So, you tell the publications or outlets that many people read, and they publish the news for you. 

Generally speaking, it's a free service provided by a news outlet. You could think of it like a free advertisement announcing your company's start. 

If you can find an outlet that will announce the existence of your business, you'll really stand out among online fitness trainers. 

A lot of people will see it, and it'll only catch the eye of some of them. And of that smaller group, only a handful will reach out to you to begin their fitness journey.

But that's how you'll grow: client by client.  

3. Pricing Promotions

The quest to get more clients can seem like quite a drag. Even if your marketing strategies go perfectly, getting new eyes on your site to turn into new clients can be tough. 

One solution is to offer promotions that ease the financial burden of being a member with your training program. Everybody is looking to save some pocket change, regardless of their fitness goals. 

That's why deals like Amazon Prime, a membership that is purely a promotion, have done so well in recent years. With all the competition of other online fitness trainers, financial deals are a great marketing tactic. 

Consider the different ways you could offer cheaper memberships to clients without hurting your bottom line. One common method is to offer rewards to existing clients who bring in their friends and family. You could give those people a free month, or a bonus class.

Once somebody has been given a promotion, they'll be more likely to stick around a while. In turn, they're now more likely to tell a friend. And maybe they'll bring another member around.

All of these ideas are from an internet perspective. If you're feeling sick of the computer, you've got more options waiting.    

4. Get Physical (with Marketing)

You like to get up and moving, right? 

Well, it's good to take that energy outside of the gym, too. While most of your work will be training and communicating with your clients online, there's still an important role that non-virtual marketing can play.  

While we spend hours and hours facing screens every day, many people still venture outside, most days. That means there's an opportunity for you to reach out to them while they're out and about. 

If you're willing to spend a bit of dough, you could pay for advertisement. A billboard, for example, can go a long way in bringing attention to online fitness trainers. But there are still plenty of cheap ways to get the job done. 

Consider making flyers. They are efficient, affordable and effective. An attractive flyer promoting a deal or just letting people know about your business is a great way to bring more eyes to your website.  

You shouldn't be putting up marketing content in just any location. Instead, you should find the spots where fitness-focused people are gathering. Maybe a public park or pool--anywhere where people are working out.  

Go for a run and spread the word about your business where people will hear it. It's easy and cheap--if nobody responds, no big deal. And if they do, you're closer to bringing in more clients.

But it's not just about the clients.  

5. Connect with Other online fitness trainers

Online fitness trainers are competitive, there's no doubt about it. From weightlifting competitions to races, they enjoy winning more than most of us. 

It's no surprise that many of them have figured out how to get a bucket load of online viewers. They all want to be number one--but that doesn't mean they won't share their tips with the right people. 

Figure out a way to connect with your peers. That might mean perusing other websites to see how other trainers treat their clients. You could reach out to them through their contact submission forms and ask them questions. 

You don't need to treat your fellow trainers as competition. There's room for everybody on the internet, and you should be able to convince them of the same truth.

Eventually, as you start to grow your own base of clients, you'll learn some tips of your own. That will allow you to share your own knowledge with other online fitness trainers. You'll be well on your way to developing a symbiotic and friendly connection.   

And if you can't find them, you should head to social media. They'll definitely be there. 

6. Get on Social Media 

The story that has stolen the narrative of the 21st century is social media. Everything we do, from photography to catching up with old friends to hurling insults, is now done through social media. 

It's no surprise that online fitness trainers have caught on fire through social media. Check out this list of famous fitness models who have made a name for themselves on Instagram. 

You don't have to mimic their style, but you should notice how they've become big. They started early by posting likable content that eventually attracted a bigger and bigger base of followers. 

If you're not on social media, you should be. And if you already are, you should think of ways to improve your presence. 

If you feel in the dark about how to get more attention on social media, don't be. You should create a page and start uploading relatable content. Check out our guide on how to punch above weight on Facebook. 

Out of the millions and millions of Facebook users that exist, your clients, both old and new, will be a part of them.  

Getting them to your Facebook page is a huge step in bringing in more clients. It's even better if you can project a clear and concise brand for them to see. 

7. Create a Unique Brand

There are a lot of online fitness trainers out there. You are among the best, but do you stand out? 

Potential clients get a lot thrown in their face when they bounce around between trainers, looking for the perfect match. It's your job to show them, quickly, that you're right for them. 

Maybe it's a logo. Maybe it's a motto. Or, you could be known for a certain kind of energy or exercise.

Think about what makes you stand out. Talk to people around you--your coworkers and clients, people who really know you. Ask them why you're unique.

Then, work on a way to explain that to people in a matter of seconds. It doesn't need to explain everything about you in an instant, but it does need to unique. 

A brand is often based on intangible factors, something clients can't quite put their finger on but know how to recognize. It's important for you to make yours clear.

Once you have them, you can go more in-depth.  

8. Start a Blog

With 152 million blogs in the world, getting your own out there seems like a tough gig. How can you make yours count? The question is the kind that stops online fitness trainers from even trying to make one. 

If you're feeling disillusioned about blogging, don't give up just yet. Creating an effective blog doesn't have to mean bringing in millions of views each month that pays your entire salary. 

But you can realistically expect to bring in a few thousand (or more) here and there that help pad your pockets. Blogging isn't only about bringing in ad revenue. It's about bringing more eyes to your page. 

There are seemingly infinite subjects you can write a blog post about. You can offer free stretching techniques or new exercises for beginners to try. If they're good enough, your posts will get shared between readers, expanding the audience that is familiar with your work. 

Once you've grown an audience, the trick is getting them to engage with your paid services. That's simple enough with hyperlinking and calls to action. Check out our advice on how to use your blog to the advantage of your business

And, don't forget the one subject that always attracts eyes, relevant even for online fitness trainers: food. 

9. Pair with A Nutritionist

Food and fitness go hand in hand.

Usually, we think of them in an indirect relationship: the more food you eat, the less fit you are. The more fit you are, the less food you eat. 

As one of the knowledgeable online fitness trainers, you know that's a myth about food and fitness. Eating is an essential part of being healthy and fit. You know that to be so true, surely, that you are familiar with nutritionists. 

Teaming up with a nutritionist can help both of your businesses. You can offer insight to their clients about how to be active. They can offer your clients tips on fueling up and recovering from exercise. 

This duo could double the attention you're receiving from potential clients. The relationship doesn't just have to be an exchange of knowledge, either. You could offer memberships to both companies at once in a package. 

Pairing with a nutritionist is a great way to take online fitness trainers to the next level. The legitimacy of your website will seem greater while you grow your audience. What's not to love?   

Take Training to the Next Level

Feeling ready to improve your marketing skills? Choosing any of these ideas could increase your audience and influence. 

If you want to learn more about how we can help out, reach out to us and we'll give you insider knowledge. 

Now it's time to grow your program. Good luck!